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Feature Profiles

Student Wellbeing Plans

Maintain student wellbeing plans and update records in your student profile.

Student Summary Dashboard

Visualise the entire information set of your students in their profile view. .

Boarding Report Cards

Create your own report designs, mark them and publish them in hard or digital format to your boarding parents.

Sticky Notes for Sign Out

Create important messages that appear on a student’s sign out screen that require staff verification before sign out.

Consent Forms

Create, distribute and track parental consent forms to any group of parent contacts in your Reach database.

Curfews for Quickleave

Control when your QuickLeave locations are available for students to access and sign out to.

Email Tracking Logs

We track the status of every email sent by your school’s portal. See the results in your Email dashboard.

Events Manager

Schedule recreation events, collect student sign ups and manage your event.

Flexi-time for Quick-Leave

Allow for additional time on sign outs to QuickLeave locations.

Gating & Restrictions

Place restrictions on students like leave prevention, device confiscations, detentions, etc.

GPS Location Records

Set and track the GPS co-ordinates of your locations in Reach.

Special Meals

A Special Meals board showing daily meal counts affected by student medical conditions or late meal orders.

Meals list by student

Check scheduled meals for every individual student in the new Meals Report by Day dashboard.

Pastoral Points

A simple scoring mechanism integrated with student pastoral notes for allocating a point score or ratings.

Suspicious Approval Alerts

Receive alert flags in your approval notifications when a parent or host approval appears suspicious to Reach. 

Upload Documents to profiles

Upload relevant documents to any individual contact in your Reach database.


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