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Meals Dashboards


Meals Report - By Day

The Meals Report By Day dashboard provides you with a list of your entire student population for each of your scheduled meals in REACH.

This allows dorm staff to confirm the meal status for each individual student if they are concerned about making sure a student's late meal has been ordered or if meals are updated when a student's approved leave event has been cancelled.


Special Meals Dashboard

The Special Meals Dashboard provides an aggregated count for each meal identifying the meal types that are required including Standard Meals, Late Meals, Packed Meals and Special (medical condition based) meals. 

Individual students requiring the Special meals are identified in a drop down list for each meal count also.

Setting Special Meal Types

Your special meal types are automatically created by your leave type configuration (if late meals and packed meals can be ordered) and by your Medical Conditions settings. When creating medical conditions in your system you can determine whether the medical condition impacts your meal counts or not.

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